The Bible: Dominion Over What Now?
Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”
My take: OK, I don’t know if this is aspirational or what, but while we apparently have like salmon and trout pretty much beat and tuna have been chopped up and put in little cans with oil and stuff I’m still pretty uncomfortable going into the ocean in just like trunks between me and the creatures that are out there you could step on and such.
And there’s no way we rule the birds, Have you ever caught a bird? I would have no idea how to and if you did what would you want it for? I guess as to livestock we’ve got the cows buffaloed but we don’t have the buffaloes cowed if you know what I mean.
As for the wild animals, even other peoples dogs, keep them away from me. There’s a couple mean dogs down the street, we cant even walk around the block, we walk about three quarters of the way then go back to avoid them. So dominion over the animals I’d say that’s not yet.
Plants, yeah, and dirt sure, but I was in Florida once and the house had this big net over the pool and the back yard and there was this noise just outside the net in some bushes and it sounded like a pterodactyl was fighting an alligator and I mean a serious fight like the one that lost wasn’t going to see another sunrise. Anyway, I went in the house and I’m not ashamed to say I locked the door. So yeah we definitely rule some animals, but some don’t know we have dominion and I wouldn’t want to be the one to tell them. I was there a week and I never even went in the pool.